Neenah Rockets Baseball Home Game Sponsor!
In 2024, we are supporting and empowering local youth by being a Neenah Rockets Baseball Home Game sponsor. Make sure to stop out and catch the high school team in action this season!
Overwhelming Support of Coats for Kids!
We were blown away by the amount of coats our members donated to help Coats for Kids in 2023. Thank you for your generosity!
Hooting and Hollering at the Finish!
The Filthy Fun Kids Run is one of our favorite events to sponsor every year. We handed out medals and made up the cheering team at the finish line.
Pollinator Planting Party!
As the Community Partner in Habitat Protection and Enhancement, we hosted a Pollinator Planting Party at Heckrodt Wetland Reserve.
Composting Hand Toweling!
In January, we reinstated our hand towel composting program. Thank you for Petersen Dairy Farm for working with us!
Holiday Light Recycling!
We collected 76 lbs of holiday lights for recycling in 2022! This continues to be a popular recycling event.
Giving Tree Community Donations!
Our Giving Tree organizations were Gegan Elementary School, Fox Valley Veterans Council, and the Neenah Animal Shelter. We appreciate all of our members for helping make this happen every year!
Family Trail Clean Up!
In the Summer of 2022, we invited our families to join us for a trail clean up. More hands on deck means more ground covered!
Trick-or-Treat Trail!
Another great year at the Village of Fox Crossing’s Trick-or-Treat Trail! We love seeing the little monsters and ghouls.
Community Textile Recycling!
In order to recycle textiles at the Community Clothes Closet, we sponsored the cost of their gaylords used for shipping. It takes a village to create sustainable change.