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Checking & Savings

Save For Your Adventures

Whether you are saving for your next adventure or that next step in life, we have the right account for you at the rates you want.
Savings Accounts See Savings Rates

Your Evergreen Credit Union account will also give you access to online banking, our mobile app, free checking accounts, and personal one-on-one customer service with our local loan officers.

Checking Accounts

Checking Accounts

Free Checking

  • For members 13 and up
  • No minimum balance or monthly service fees
  • Includes free instant issue* debit card, online banking, and bill pay
  • Save interest on your next loan by having a Free Checking account with direct deposit

Get Started

If you have any questions or would like more information, we invite you to call our team at 920-729-2999, email us, or stop by today!

Monarch Checking

  • No minimum balance or monthly service fees
  • Earn dividends by:
    • Having a minimum average daily balance of $400
    • Be enrolled in e-Statements
    • Have one ACH direct deposit into your Monarch Checking
  • Free instant issue* debit card, online banking, and bill pay
  • Avoid overdraft fees with an Overdraft Line of Credit
  • Save interest on your next loan by having a Monarch Checking account with direct deposit

Get Started

If you have any questions or would like more information, we invite you to call our team at 920-729-2999, email us, or stop by today!

Extra Green Checking

  • No minimum balance or monthly service fees
  • Save interest on your next loan by having an Extra Green Checking
  • Free instant issue* debit card, online banking, and bill pay
  • Avoid overdraft fees with an Overdraft Line of Credit
  • Earn 4.00% APY* up to $10,000 balance by:
    • Having a minimum of 14 point-of-sale purchases using your Evergreen Credit Union debit card that post and clear your Extra Green Checking each month
    • Having a minimum of one online/mobile banking login each month
    • Have at least one ACH direct deposit into your Extra Green Checking account each month
    • Being enrolled in eStatements

Get Started

For any month you don’t meet the requirements, your account still earns 0.01% APY*.

Rewards Checking

  • No minimum balance or monthly service fees
  • Free instant issue* debit card, online banking, and bill pay
  • Avoid overdraft fees with an Overdraft Line of Credit
  • Earn 3.00% cash back, up to $9, by:
    • Having a minimum of 14 point-of-sale purchases using your Evergreen Credit
    • Union debit card that post and clear your Evergreen Rewards Checking each month
    • Having a minimum of one online/mobile banking login each month
    • Have at least one ACH direct deposit into your Evergreen Rewards Checking each month
    • Being enrolled in eStatements
  • Save interest on your next loan by having an Evergreen Rewards Checking

Get Started

If you have any questions or would like more information, we invite you to call our team at (920) 729-2999, email us, or stop by today!

Checking Accounts

Account Name/Type Interest Rate APY* Minimum Balance Balance to Earn APY*
Free Checking NANANANA

*Annual Percentage Yield

Account Name/Type Interest Rate APY* Minimum Balance Balance to Earn APY*
Monarch Checking 0.10%^0.10%^None Required$400^

*Annual Percentage Yield. Requires E-Statements and one direct deposit.

Account Name/Type Interest Rate APY* Minimum Balance Balance to Earn APY*
Extra Green
Checking Tier 1: up to $10,000***
4.00%4.00%None Required$0.01
Extra Green
Checking Tier 2: $10,000.01 and up
Extra Green
Checking Tier 3: $0.01 and up

*Annual Percentage Yield

***To earn the interest rate and APY, you must meet all of the following requirements during the calendar month: (a) have a minimum of 14 point of sale purchases using your Evergreen Credit Union debit card that post and clear your Extra Green checking account, (b) have a minimum of one direct deposit post to your Extra Green checking account, (c) have a minimum of one online/mobile banking login, and (d) be enrolled in eStatements. Account balance determines the tier rate used for monthly dividend calculation. If you do not meet all of the requirements during the calendar month, Tier 3 dividend rate and annual percentage yield will apply to the entire balance in the account.

Account Name/Type Interest Rate APY* Minimum Balance Balance to Earn APY*
Evergreen Rewards** NANANANA

*Annual Percentage Yield

**To earn 3.00% cash back, you must meet all of the following requirements during the calendar month: (a) have a minimum of fourteen (14) point of sale purchases using your Evergreen Credit Union debit card that post and clear your Evergreen Rewards Checking Account, (b) have a minimum of one direct deposit post to your Evergreen Rewards Checking Account. Transfers between Evergreen Credit Union accounts do not count as a direct deposit, (c) have a minimum of one online/mobile banking login, and (d) be enrolled in eStatements. Cash back bonus of 3% of debit card purchases will be paid out within 5 business days of the following month if all qualifications are met with a maximum bonus of $9 per month.

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